Yesterday, I went out to have a little stroll in the park just inside the village using a bike. Well, actually I always go out biking for 30minutes to 1 hour a day. And, yesterday I thought of bringing a camera with me while biking. So, I stayed at the park for a few minutes and took some snapshots! By the way, I do apologize for some of the photos cause I am not using a high-end camera to take pictures, I'm using the Canon Power Shot SD1100. Lastly, I do edit some of the photos, I just made some brightness and contrast adjustment because since I am not using high-end cameras, there is no way for me to perfectly control the brightness of my shots using the camera. Anyway, here are my snapshots for today!
This is the bike that I am using.. Hey! If you noticed, I do have copyright tag already! Yey! I just made it today. Cool!
Again, this is the bike that I am using almost everyday.
Ked's shoes on the grass..
It is my sister's shoes actually, but she's not using it now cause according to her; it is already wrecked! ;P
A deserted bench in the park.
Pathway in the park.
The Grotto in the Park.
This car is so cute! It is like a modern Volkswagen Beetle car.
The Way Out. This is the way out of the village. You just need to go straight along Spring Drive. Both left and right streets are July Street.
Oh yeah! It's a Volkswagen Van! It is one of my dream cars.. ;(
There you go! Those are my snapshots today around the village.. Do follow my blog for more posts! Ciao!
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